Saturday, January 10, 2009


I am at a point where things need to be set straight and I need to speak for myself.

First of all, I need to apologize for my actions. They have affected people I love so dearly.

I will try and explain.

I love my sister Julie. She has always been a source of strength and comfort. I was able to talk to her about anything. When my feelings were hurt she was always there to pick up the pieces. I spoke to her about frustrations within my family not ever dreaming my words when end up twisted on a blog. Things that should have stayed within my family ended up all over the Internet and caused insurmountable division.

The point of opening this up is for me to try and set some things straight and understand that my goal is to be the best aunt, sister, sister-in-law and human being that I can be.

Second, while I did with hesitation allow Julie to record and post the video, it is with immense regret that I did so. Her blogging and my confiding in her has hurt my family, as well as Jon and Kate's.

My relationship with my sister is very strained over this. I asked her to take down her blog completely but she did not feel that it was the right thing to do. I also begged her to stop blogging about Jon and Kate. We came to an understanding in which she promised she would stop. This was several months ago.

I am trying to put my mistakes behind me, and my family first. This is impossible to do with Julie still blogging about the Gosselin's.

It is my hope that everyone know that I do not endorse what Julie is saying, and honestly have never felt comfortable with it. Jon and Kate are terrific people who are doing what they believe is best for their family.